StructureThe structure of the presentation resembles a magazine. You can find article titles on the cover page, when you find anything interesting you simply turn to the selected page and read the article. Our presentation consists of seven independent articles each relating to a particular aspect of the expedition - from Pakistani bureaucracy to commercial expedition organization. Each article consists of several pages. We entitled most of these articles in Latin partly due to the fact that it is a very capacious language to communicate meanings and partly because it saved time in translating titles into English. Besides articles you will find a Slide show (a link from the start page) and some Appendices.
NavigationYou can look through the articles and slide show in a linear way using the
"Next" button ( AppendicesLinks to Appendices were placed on the corresponding pages of the articles. Different types of appendices (maps, texts, videos and sounds) are indicated by different icons (see below). You will find that different pages have links to the same Appendix (for example, almost every article has a link to the expedition timeline).
There are 2 video and 2 audio clips included in other Appendices. Please note that the video and audio clips were prepared in two formats - QuickTime (Macintosh) and AVI (Windows). Select the format which is most suitable for you. |